Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why Faith-Based Weight Loss Programs?

Many faith-based weight loss programs have been cropping up over the last decade. My job is not to critique any of them on their effectiveness and relevance but I want to share why I choose to offer faith-based programs after being if the 'secular' health and wellness industry for 25 years.
If you are a believer then I highly recommend a Christian or faith-based weight loss program. I'm shocked when I hear about the number of people who never connect their faith with their health. The closer you grow in your faith, the more you will want all the areas of your life to come into alignment. For me personally, I began to feel hypocritical when made statements like 'God is all-powerful' yet I did not have enough faith in Him to help me with my food, relationship or financial challenges.
It was only when I began to turn all the areas of my life over to him that my faith in Him increased as well as my understanding of why I continued to struggle.
Many skeptics may not have a good understanding of what faith- based weight loss means. I can tell you, it does not mean to just pray and the fat will melt away; it does not mean to eat only the foods that the bible says to eat; nor does it mean that you are a sinner because you're fat.
To be part of a faith-based weight loss means:
1. Your motivation to lose weight shifts from a self-focused perspective to an act of worship to God as you understand that your body is His temple.
2. That you really believe that God wants you well and healthy and will help you on your journey if you allow Him.
3. You will ask and trust God to strengthen your will-power, self-discipline and motivation instead of chasing the next weight loss fad
4. You will no longer waste hundreds if not thousands of dollars on weight loss gimmicks because God's plan for health and abundance is simple ( and inexpensive)
5. You will be part of a supportive team of like- minded people such as yourself who also believe in the power of prayer and support.
6. You are not focused on quick fixes and see weight loss as a journey to teach you some valuable lessons about life and God.
7. You will not longer feel the need to hide in shame but begin to understand universal principles such as accountability, reciprocity and intention.
8. Your faith is strengthened as you submit one of the most intimate parts of your life to your Creator.
9. You will learn what the bible says about your challenges and issues and how to overcome them.
10. You will get RESULTS!
If you've been skeptical about faith-based program of any kind then I encourage you to do your homework before you sign up. Make sure you will be learning about the Word of God while learning all about healthy eating, exercise and behaviour modification. Praying alone will not get you results.
I wish you all the best on your weight loss journey.
Cathy Morenzie has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years. She is a sought after presenter, published writer and fitness trainer who specializes in helping people to lose weight. Her new program "Healthy by Design" teaches people how to lose weight while strengthening their faith. You can learn more about her program and download your free weight release report at http://www.healthybydesignprogram.com

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